To conduct the meetings of IQAC members as well as with various stakeholders.
To motivate the teachers for research activities.
To motivate the teachers to attend workshops, seminars and conference.
To motivate the teachers to attend the Orientation and Refresher Courses.
To organize the meeting for CAS of the teachers and to forward their proposal to the authority.
To collect the PBAS from the teacher and give score to the teachers.
To suggest the teachers to apply for orientation and refresher courses.
To conduct the CAS meetings for the promotion of the teachers.
To encourage the teachers to publish articles in Peer Reviewed, Refereed, Impact Factor, National and International level journals.
To motivate the Women’s Grievance Redressal Cell (ICC) for its regular activities.
To insist on the optimum use of ICT tools in teaching and learning process to the teachers
To execute the mission on motivation to students regarding higher education.
To discuss with the management about the budget and other necessary reforms.
To intimate to the ‘Career and Counseling Cell’ to organize activities in terms of Competitive Examinations.
To motivate the teachers for creative writings in their specific areas.
To motivate the Environment Conservation committee as well as stakeholder for environment conservation activities.
To contribute to undertake social as well as community oriented programmes.
Toguided for the research projects undertaken by students and faculty.
To contribute to organize a curricular and extra-curricular activities by the teaching department.
To motivate the Cultural Forum of the college to organize various activities and to send the students for university, state and national level for cultural activities.
To encourage the faculty to publish or edit the book.