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  Shri Balaji Sansthan Deulgaon Raja's  


Deulgaon Raja-443 204, Dist. Buldhana (M.S.)
(Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University)
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Faculty at Glance

Information of Full Time Teachers:

Sr. No Name of Teacher Designation Qualification Department/ Subject Date of Appoint-ment Mobile No. Mail id
01 Dr. D. V. Gore Principal M. A., M. Phil., NET, SET, Ph. D Economics 26.11.2007 9175710375 dvgore12@gmail.com
02 Dr. N. H. Shegokar Asst. Prof. M. Com, M. Phil, B. Ed., Ph. D. Commerce 21.11.1996 9422989632 shegokarnh1972@gmail.com
03 Dr. R. H. Devare Professor M. A., M. Phil., NET, SET, Ph. D History 22.11.2004 9423622664 devare.raj@rediffmail.com
04 Dr. A. M. Awati Professor M. A., M. Phil., B. Ed, SET, Ph. D Political Sci. 21.11.2005 9421395187 awatianant@gmail.com
05 Dr. V. R. Bansile Assoc. Prof. M. Com, M. Phil, Ph. D Commerce 01.07.2009 9623237547 vrbansile@gmail.com
06 Dr. U. B. Deshmukh Librarian M. A., M. Lib., M. Phil., Ph. D Librarian 01.07.2009 9890676230 umeshdeshmukh.2010@rediffmail.com
07 Shri. M. B. Jadhav Asst. Prof. M. A., B. Ed, NET Marathi 22.01.2016 9421327689 madhumeet007@gmail.com
8 Dr. E. B. Bhalerao Asst. Prof. M. A., M. Phil.,B. Ed., Ph. D English 22.01.2016 9404450178 eknathbhalerao24@rediffmail.com
9 Dr. K. V. Mogarkar P.E.T. M. P. Ed., M. Phil., Ph. D Physical Edu. 22.01.2016 9309177807 kiranmogarkar@rediffmail.com
10 Shri. B. U. Kale Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET, GATE Chemistry 22.01.2016 9823566446 bkale48@gmail.com
11 Shri. P. M. Kadam Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET Chemistry 22.01.2016 8275009134 nileshkakde99@gmail.com
12 Shri. N. P. Kakde Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET Botany 29.04.2016 9423947797 nileshkakde99@gmail.com
13 Dr. A. D. Kanwate Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET, GATE Ph. D Physics 18.09.2017 8484814591 kmarvind7@gmail.com
14 Shri. D. M. Shimbre Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET Zoology 18.09.2017 9970023321 dmshimbre12@gmail.com
15 Dr. P. B. Pawar Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET, SET, Ph. D Microbiology 18.09.2017 9423840034 pbpawar007@gmail.com
16 Shri. S. J. Chavan Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET Mathematics 18.09.2017 9404845366 sjchavanmath17@gmail.com
17 Dr. Smt. R. L. Telgad Asst. Prof. M. Sc., M. Phil., Ph. D Computer Sci. 18.09.2017 9423343788 rupalitelgad@gmail.com
18 Dr. Smt. J. D. Dhokale Asst. Prof. M. A., Ph. D., SET English 22.11.2019 9404453619 jyotidhokale035@gmail.com
19 Dr. D. R. Birhade Asst. Prof. M. Sc., B. Ed., NET, Ph. D. Chemistry 22.11.2019 8805382375 dkshabirhade@gmail.com
20 Dr. M. S. Salve Asst. Prof. M. Sc., Ph. D. Botany 22.11.2019 9960055304 mahendrasalve07@gmail.com
21 Dr. R. Y. Mane Asst. Prof. M. Sc., Ph. D. Botany 22.11.2019 9657396610 rrrymane@gmail.com
22 Dr. G. M. Tambde Asst. Prof. M. Sc., Ph. D. Botany 22.11.2019 9075647711 gmtambde77@gmail.com
23 Shri. R. D. Saroj Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET, SET, GATE Zoology 22.11.2019 8888610989 ramdsaroj@gmail.com
24 Dr. M. R. Tandale Asst. Prof. M. Sc., B. Ed., SET, NET, Ph. D. Zoology 22.11.2019 8308915503 tandalemahesh4@gmail.com
25 Dr. R. R. Khawal Asst. Prof. M. Sc., Ph. D. Zoology 22.11.2019 8275931894 rahulkhawal@gmail.com
26 Shri. R. N. Ganbas Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET, SET Microbiology 22.11.2019 8408083653 rganbas@rediffmail.com
27 Dr. A. S. Jadhav Asst. Prof. M. Sc., Ph. D. Microbiology 22.11.2019 9096393184 amolpatil.1601@rediffmail.com
28 Shri. G. G. Dhage Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET, SET Microbiology 22.11.2019 8669091520 govinddhage12@gmail.com

Information of Teachers on Clock Hour Basis:

Sr. No Name of Teacher Designation Qualification Department/ Subject Date of Appoint-ment Mobile No. Mail id
01 Shri. G. N. korde Asst. Prof. M. Sc., SET Chemistry 08.08.2024 7709898326 gnkorde36@gmail.com
02 Smt. P. A. Sawade Asst. Prof. M.A., NET, GATE English 18.07.2024 7620177475 lonkarakash85@gmail.com
03 Smt. N. T. Sarode Asst. Prof. M. Sc., SET Mathematics 18.07.2024 7875654169 saisolanki7@gmail.com
04 Ku. K. M. Sant Asst. Prof. M. Sc., SET Physics 18.07.2024 9011433203 komalsant1999@gmail.com
05 Dr. Y. K. Athave Asst. Prof. M. Com. Ph.D. Commerce 18.07.2024 9881188978 Yogesh.athave2@gmail.com
06 Shri. A. B. Sawade Asst. Prof. M. Sc., NET, SET Commerce 18.7.2024 8007279970 asawade111@gmail.com

Information of Non Teaching Staff

Sr. No Name of Non-teaching Staff Designation Qualification Date of Appoint-ment Mail id Mobile No.
01 Shri K. D. Sonone Office Superintendent M. A. (Economics) 04/02/1992 kdsonone21@gmail.com 9822718162
02 Shri P. A. Ingle Senior Clerk M. A. (Eco., and English) 14/10/2014 prakash8393@rediffmail.com 9767568473
03 Shri. M. R. Jagdale Lab Assistant B.E. (Comp. Sci.) 01/12/2015 mangeshjagdale007@rediffmail.com 9730374431
04 Shri. V. A. Madane Lab Attendant B. A. 01/12/2015 madanevicky@gmail.com 7774959211
05 Shri. A. G. Lathad Lab Attendant B. A. 01/12/2015 amollathad345@gmail.com 7507682536
06 Shri. S. B. Pankhade Lab Attendant H.S.C. 01/12/2015 sharadpankhede8328@gmail.com 9922698328
07 Shri. S. P. Kapse Lab Attendant M. A., M. Lib. 01/12/2015 sureshkapse1989@gmail.com 9527342017
08 Shri. S.V. Jaybhaye Lab Attendant B. A. 01/12/2015 suryakant.jaybhaye@gmail.com 8888973787
09 Shri G. D. Lathad Peon 9th 02/10/1989 --- 8390286696
10 Smt. M. H. Bhosale Peon 9th 14/10/2014 --- 9075483202
11 Shri A. G. Pakhare Peon 9th 14/10/2014 --- 8806008718